Children’s Problem Solving Abilities Enhanced with Music

kids-instrumentsAccording to a new study, children who undertake early musical training are able to retain information more readily and develop excellent problem solving skills. The children surveyed played an instrument for at least two years and took private music lessons.

The Study was conducted by comparing 15 children with musical training between the ages of 9 and 12 with a control group of 12 children of the same age who did not play musical instruments. Similarly, researchers compared 15 adults who played music professionally with 15 non-musicians. Neither group had musical training other than what they received in school.

The researchers took into account demographic elements that affected whether or not a child received musical education. The musician and non-musician groups were matched for parental education, family income, and job status. The groups were also matched on the basis of IQ.

Both groups underwent cognitive testing. The children received MRI imaging of their brains during each test. The results revealed enhanced performance in several areas of executive functioning in the groups with musical training, including areas of the prefrontal cortex. Executive functioning enables individuals to process information quickly, retain that information, and solve problems, regulate their behavior, and adjust to mental demands that change quickly. Groups like those with ADHD and the elderly often have challenges in these areas. During this study, both the pre-supplementary area and the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex lit up during exercises in which children were asked to switch between mental tasks.

Ramifications for Educational Programs

Based on this research, researchers have concluded that the push to cut music programs and focus on test prep may not be helping children grow into successful adults.

Here at Kidspace Child Enrichment Center, we prioritize joyful learning. We know, based on extensive research as well as our own intuition, that children learn best when they are in a relaxed, playful mood, and that music and singing can bring them to that place. We understand that memory have be powerfully enhanced by recalling a tune or simple lyrics to a song. We do our very best to provide rich, rewarding experiences in the arts, including with singing and experimentation with instruments.

If you are looking for child care that enriches your child’s experience, not just now but in her future, look no further than our program.

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