
Today was a very magical cooking day with the Manta Rays.
   The children were asked to predict what was in the silver pan and then what might happen when it was put on a hot burner.
 It wasn’t until they used their senses – eyes: watched the silver grow, ears:  heard the popping sound, nose:  smelled the delicious smell of popcorn that the children were able to figure out the “magic” in the silver pan.

Then we used our last two senses (touch and taste) to enjoy the Jiffy Pop Popcorn!


We shared our Jiffy Pop Popcorn experience with our friends
the Dolphins.
As you can see by their faces, they were excited and amazed.
 What can you do with old crayons?


  Step #1 Selecting pieces of broken crayons and placing them on
a sheet of wax paper.  This was a thoughtful and meticulous process for many of the children.






What happened to the crayons when the hot iron was placed on top of the wax paper and crayons?

The children discovered that wax, when hot, melts and the colors of the crayons blend together.   They also discovered that after the wax melted the crayons hardened back up – in the same shape and color they made when they melted.

Hope everyone is having a great summer.
Miss Julie and Miss Crystal

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