ROBINS – Nov. 26th – 30th


Foxes, frogs, family, & shapes! Here are some of the highlights from this week in the Robins class…
Gymnastics class at Naydenov is such a great way to begin our week. This Monday was all about balance…
Each week we practice our handstands. The Robins just keep getting better & better…
 After class, the Robins get to have free time to move, play, and explore. Yipee!


The letter of the week was “F”! 
We learned the sign for F and fox. We also spent some time learning about frogs.
We read books about frogs…
We made the letter “F” using strips of construction paper…
We also practiced writing uppercase and lowercase “F”s on whiteboards…
The sensory table is always a favorite in the Robins class. This week we explored soapy water and homemade sand.



The Robins worked on their November drawings. This month we drew our families…


In honor of November coming to an end, we learned a poem entitled “November” and made poem books…


No green grass
No blue sky
No bare feet going by
No birds
No bees
No leaves on trees

Shapes, shapes and more shapes!
This week we spent a lot of time learning about shapes. Exploring, labeling, sorting, and building with shapes encourages the Robins to develop an understanding of geometric concepts that are an important part of early math skills. Below is a link to great article about geometry & early learning.
Remember our friend Mat Man? He returned this week to help us learn about shapes…
After building Mat Man in circle, the Robins drew Mat Man using whiteboards…
Later on, some of the Robins built their own version of Mat Man…
We learned that shapes, like the letters of the alphabet, are made of lines and curves. At circle, the Robins took turns sorting shapes into 3 categories: made of lines, made of curves, or made of both lines and curves.
We made shape collages…
We played shape bingo…
We explored different ways to use foam shapes…
We introduced “4 squares, more squares” which encourage the Robins to explore the concept of area…
Thanks for reading! Until next week,
Miss Crystal & Miss Julie

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