BLUEBIRDS – Family Night and More!

Look at these wonderful letters.  Children enjoy learning to draw letters on white boards.  It is a fun way to try new letters and shapes that can be easily erased.   White boards are a wonderful, non-threatening way for children to experiment with writing while using colorful markers.  We highly recommend that parents become involved with teaching handwriting skills at home.  Correct formation of the letters is essential for future cursive skills. Watch for the letter worksheets that come home.  They make it easy to learn correct sequence and form.
We used the feely box to pull out objects starting with the letter F
(feathers, fur, felt, foam, frogs, fish)
Bluebirds also played with firetrucks….

 Whiteboards were used to practice letters and drawings of houses and firetrucks.  As we draw objects, we talk about shapes and letters.  The children learn to listen, copy, follow directions and follow sequential instructions. They are also developing hand-eye coordination skills and confidence.

It was good to see families enjoying various activities together, such as:
Cookie Decorating…. 
Graphing frosting choices for cookies…… 
Making Marshmallow sculptures….
Building magnet structures…..

Playing on the gymnastics mats….
Enjoying dolls houses….
And the best performance of “Sitting On the Farm”… 
Thank you so much for joining us for “Family Night!”
It was very special to see your families together. 
I think your children are wonderful!!
Ms. Ginger

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