CHICKADEES – Sensory Explorations


Twice a week we’re in the middle room and get to play in the sandbox and use the touch tub as part of center explorations.  Both are popular activities and provide many learning opportunities for the children.  
The students work on math skills as they pour, scoop, and measure the “sand” or whatever is in the tub.   Children are introduced to scientific methods through discovery and problem solving as they discover the properties and characteristics of the different substances in the sensory tub.  New and different tools also provide problem solving opportunities.  
Sensory tubs and the sandbox provide many opportunities for conversations and interactions with peers which encourage language and social development.    We also know that kids learn best when all five senses are engaged-making the learning more real and meaningful.  
The Touch Tub
Oobleck, aka cornstarch and water.  This crazy creation has properties of both a solid and liquid.  Its a bit messy, but oh so much fun.  If you want to make it at home, start with a cup of water and a cup and a half of cornstarch, adding more cornstarch if you want it more solid.  Add a drop or two of color for some added fun.  

Aquarium Rocks-


 Water and dish soap: This is an easy one to do at home with your kids.  While you are washing dishes have them pull up a chair and wash with you or give them some plastic measuring cups, drinking cups, some spoons and let them explore.  We also like to let them use bulb syringes (turkey baster) and funnels. The bathtub works well too. 🙂


Snow??? Well sort of.  It was a fake snow made from a bit of water and Insta-Snow.  I loved this stuff as did the children. I hear tell you can find a version of it at the dollar store.  
The Sandbox–a BIG touch tub

You can make your own touch tub at home.  Use a plastic storage bin or dish pan and fill it with whatever sounds fun–dried beans, rice, water, leaves, tinsel, rocks, sand.  Set it up at your kitchen table, place it on a place mat or towel if you want to help with clean up, add some tools-cups, spoons, a toy car or animal, and let your child explore.  


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