ROBINS – February 19th – 22nd


Greetings! This week in the Robins class was all about the letter M – for Melting, Magnets, & Mail. Take a look!
The letter of the week was M and we incorporated the letter into our art by creating murals…
We also painted the letter M by using marbles…
We outlined the letter with m&ms and later on we counted the number of candies we used. It was such a fun, hands on way to reinforce letter recognition and counting.
We used various items to trace letters in trays of flour…
The Robins have really been enjoying the new post office themed dramatic play area – sorting & delivering packages and writing notes to send in the mail…
This week we worked on a couple of different science projects. After exploring the ways crayons melt on the warming trays, the Robins made their very own crayons by placing little bits of crayons into silicon molds and melting them together in the oven. This was a great way for the kiddos to observe the different states of matter as watched the wax melt into a liquid and turn back into a solid as the crayons cooled. Also, what a great way to upcycle broken crayons!
This week we spent a lot of time exploring magnets. Magnetic dolls…
Magnetic mazes…
Fishing for magnetic letters…
Creating letters using magnetic pieces…


At circle, the Robins learned a little bit about the scientific method, by making a hypothesis and conducting an experiment to find results. We guessed whether or not a variety of items would be attracted to a magnet and afterwards we tested out our guesses…


Thanks for reading! Until next week,
Miss Crystal & Miss Julie



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