One of the great things about coming to Kidspace is the opportunity to be involved in cooperative projects. Lets take a look at some great examples of children in the Bluebird class working together to accomplish goals:

  During our morning “tub time,” the Bluebirds spend time building stick structures…


Look at the patterning skills these girls are working on with the long line of cars and trains..



                                             These two are grouping with colors…

                                 Note the concentration as these two work as a team to connect links….

                     What creativity.  These building sticks have been changed  into spy glasses!

                                        Pattern blocks are connected to span across the room…

Legos provide endless fun and variety…


The children are so proud of their accomplishments….


It’s meal time in the kitchen loft area which requires several chefs…
Boys are playing together with cars, people and airplanes….
As the children learn to share during playtime,
they are creating and interacting in an
 organized and purposeful way.
It is fun to see the continuing development of our 4 and 5 year olds in the Bluebird class.
Have a good day,
Ms Ginger



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